- Private Boat Storage -
Current Private Boat Owners: Your rack space is scheduled to renew from the previous year. Check in with Mairead if you need to update your payment method or if you are making a change to your boat arrangement. If you wish to change the location of your boat (i.e. permanent rack to rolling rack) you must first check with mairead@rowbuffalo.com.
New Inquiries: Email mairead@rowbuffalo.com if you are interested in storing your shell at BSRA. We have very limited indoor space, and an abundance of outdoor storage space. Racks are given out on a first come first serve basis. We will make every effort to store your boat on an accessible rack, but users may need to utilize lifts or step stools to reach their boat. Shells being stored outside during the rowing season are brought into the boathouse for the winter.

Indoor Fixed Rack - $490
Indoor Rolling Rack - $350
Outdoor Rack - $275

Doubles & Pairs
Indoor Fixed Rack - $690
Outdoor Rack - $415
- Rowing Dues-
If you plan to row this year, you must be signed up for a rowing program in addition to your rack fee.
Planning to row on your own?:
Planning to join the Masters?:
- Strictly Storage -
Not able to get your boat in the water this year? Email mairead@rowbuffalo.com to set up reduced storage fees.